Bursary information from current students

This page list bursary application details for some of our current students whom furnished us with this information:

Name of Bursary: Department of Public Works
Contact details- Person: Nomvula Magagula
                           Tel: 012 337 3000
                         Email: nomvula.magagula@dpw.gov.za
                           Website: http://www.dpw.gov.za/
 Name of Bursary: Drakenstein Municipality
Contact details- Person: Ms M. Sibeko 
                           Tel: 021 807 6215
                           Email: mandisa.sibeko@drakenstein.gov.za
                          Website: http://www.drakenstein.gov.za/
Name of Bursary: CETA
Contact details- Person: Bethuel Modibeni
                           Tel: 011 265 5900
                           Fax: 086 569 4243
                           Email: bursaryadmin1@ceta.co.za
                          Website: http://www.ceta.org.za/